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Train the Trainer aktivnosti od 4.- 7. veljače 2020., u Anconi

Objava: 30.07.2020.

Radionici „Train the Trainers“, je cilj uspostavljanje, tj. unaprjeđivanje „kulture pristupačnosti“ u svim segmentima turističkog poslovanja. Edukacijom stručnog kadra nastoji se stvoriti kritična masa dionika koji će u budućnosti prenositi stečeno znanje svim zainteresiranim dionicima i tako osposobljavati nove generacije za što kvalitetniju integraciju turizma dostupnog svima.

1) Video of Mr. Roberto Vitali (CEO – Village for all) regarding the “Train the trainers” activity in Padua for all the partners to disseminate to stakeholders and to public.

2) Video of Sorrentino Fatica (3 minutes interview) regarding the project, for all partners to upload this video on their web site – on the page dedicated to T4A project.

3) Video of Ms Tina Biluš and of Mr. Fatica (shorter version) for the all partners to upload on their social media channels and to share with stakeholders and to the public.
